“Are You Smarter Than Kids” open a class to welcome “NANTA”, Cooking Nanta Comedy show from Korea, the popular comedy show like “Jump” and “Breakout” that have been performed in Thailand before. On this coming July, BEC TERO Entertainment will bring “NANTA” Cooking Nanta the comedy show to make Thai people laughs and enjoy it. Any way the guest for today is a handsome First Lieutenant Teywin manaying, have take a break to challenge with a primary grad questions in English question about “Kalample” in English? What are they? A “Cabbage” or “Corn”, then 4 chopping chef from Cooking Nanta begin the show that make everybody in the studio Amazed... Well! Wait to see what going to happen in “Are You Smarter Than Kids” on May 19, at 6.45pm on Channel 3